

Crop tool
The Crop tool can be very handy, perhaps to remove unwanted distractions in your photo, or simply resize an image.

<- The Crop tool looks like the tool I have selected in the image on the left, that is because I do have the Crop tool selected!

Selecting then resizing the crop

One thing I found tricky when I first started my photoshop ninja training was perfectly cropping an image with the first click. I find it much easier to control if you make a small square..
..Like this
Initial selection

And then simply click and drag the box to the size you want (the crop is only applied once you press Enter)
Crop dragged into correct position

Crop applied

What to crop
There are many different reasons to crop a photograph, the one I have found to be the most common reason is to get rid of distractions and place more emphasis on the subject, another just as valid of a reason if not more so is to make an image the correct size for printing, I'll cover that at a later date.